EDCI 336 – Weekly Reflection

This week we took a look at educational resources and the tools that are available for teachers and students. We created an interactive video on a website of our choice, my choice was The Spinnacle Yarns website a local yarn shop. Creating the interactive video allowed me to look at video creation differently. Having to create an interactive element of the video made me look deeper into how videos can help teach learners difficult information while continuing to have confirmations throughout that make sure learners are paying attention and engaging with the information. Including different confirmations such as questions or polls can also gauge how many students are interacting and how well the information is being retained.

My video

The multi-media learning theory describes how the use of multimedia is beneficial for learners if used in the right way. Multimedia is a combination of media, this could be text and image, image and sound, or text and sound. It has been found that the combination of text and sound, such as someone reading the text, is the least impactful combination of media. The combination of image and sound is the more impactful combination, where there is an image related to the topic on the screen as someone speaks in greater detail about the topic. For example, if the topic is goats, having an image of a goat on the screen with very little text while the speaker goes into greater detail about the information. This combination allows for learners to be engaged in the subject matter and learn from the speaker while simultaneously having external stimulation that can continue to engage them. By using this knowledge of multimedia learning theory, instructional videos and tutorials can be improved to limit the amount of text on the screen and increase the amount of information that will be retained.

In video image citation: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/step-by-step-sweater