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Category: Free Inquiry

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Free-Inquiry Week 1

For my free inquiry, I will be knitting a sweater. Knitting is something that my sister is very knowledgeable about and is something I have been wanting to do for a while and I thought this was a great opportunity to do this. The pattern I have chosen is a simple sweater that only requires the knowledge of two stitches and a very basic understanding of knitting. This is a photo of the sweater that I am knitting.

I will include the link here:

I have just started the project; it took some time to set up. I had to pick the yarn and since I am allergic to wool it is a bit of a process to pick what I want to use, there is a limited selection of non-wool yarn. For the pattern that I am using I had to use a specific size of yarn and that narrows it down even further. Now that I have all of the necessary materials I have cast on the project and begun to knit the sweater.

This is a photo of me “casting on” my project which is how you start any knitting project.

Image citation: